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Re: Sources for 2.1 gig HDs for ThinkPad 701CS

On Wed, 13 Aug 1997 09:22:20 -0400, richard wrote:

> A great source of pricing on all computer equipment is
>www.uvision.com.  The Toshiba 2.1gb 12.5mm drive seems popular, and is
>a lot cheaper than the IBM.
>You can buy a notebook drive to standard IDE drive cable for something
>in the $10 to $25 range.  You can also get a parallel port adaptor
>which will let you connect the notebook drive to a parallel port.
>Throughput will be slower, as the parallel port is slower than the IDE
>bus.  There are also notebook drive to PCMCIA adaptors.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert W. King <rwking@ipa.net>
>To: Paul Khoury <pkhoury@earthlink.net>
>Cc: ThinkPad List <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
>Date: Wednesday, August 13, 1997 8:57 am
>Subject: Sources for 2.1 gig HDs for ThinkPad 701CS
>Hi Paul (or anybody else who wants to chime in)!
>I've more or less decided to upgrade my 701CS to a 2.1 gig hard drive
>I can find one for a price I can afford. The problem is identifying
>vendors who
>sell the things. I would also be looking for some means of making use
>of the
>present 540 meg drive. I've flipped through the portable computing and
>magazines and found them remarkably free of ads for laptop replacement
>Any suggestions?
Yeah, be careful about Poop Portable Enhancements, after
all the spamming and kiss-ups they've done on this list.

Make sure you get a decent warranty, and try to buy from a vendor
and/or dealer whom you think will be around for awhile, in case the
need for technical support arrives.  IBM I'm sure will be around for 
a while, but they're way too expensive, but still good.

I guess I don't really have much else to say, as the things I want
to upgrade this summer are my RAM (to 40 megs), and maybe just
an extra hard drive for Linux, >=360 megs is fine.  My summer job
will provide for upgrade costs, though.
