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RE: NT 4 on ThinkPads

My experience with NT 4.0 on the 701C is quite good. [NT Server on 701C 
w/1.44GB and 40MB RAM] If my system is used 20-30% by me while it's on, the 
battery actually lasts a good 4-5 hours. For example, today I have my 701C 
started at about 11AM with a fully charged NiMH battery connected to a token 
ring network. Even though I used the machine barely today, the battery didn't 
die until 4PM. I do have the BIOS shut off the screen and the harddrive when 
not in use for 5-10 minutes though. Even at 40MB, NT is slow compared to a 
typical Pentium-90 with 32MB of RAM. But it's rock solid and in general robust.

Eddy Lin

-----Original Message-----
From:	rj [SMTP:rj@cais2.cais.com]
Sent:	Saturday, August 09, 1997 6:20 AM
To:	Paul Khoury
Cc:	ThinkPad List
Subject:	Re: NT 4 on ThinkPads

On Fri, 8 Aug 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:

> I guess I have one question that some forgot about:
> What about power management?  Since NT doesn't
> have any native power management, what is a typical
> battery life?  I've been thinking about that for a while.

Maybe 1.5 hrs; typically the 701 is nursing off the wall socket.

> Also, is there any way to install NT 4 by floppy disk,
> or is a CD-ROM required?  And can one get to a command
> prompt from one of the 3 installation diskette

The short answer is no; however, there is a way to load all the
files onto a DOS partitian build boot floppies and start the
load from a DOS prompt. I had to do this since there weren't any
NT drivers available at that time for my CDROM drive.

> Paul