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RE: Seperate Lists

On Fri, 8 Aug 1997 10:48:16 -0400, axel hartmann wrote:

>how about "Paul Khoury" and "general public"? That ought to reduce 
>traffic significantly...
>                        ...sorry, no offense meant, but you've been
>extremely involved lately.  ;)
I thought that I've been involved for a while.

>In general, this list is still very managable imho. For instance,
>my interest being the TP701 would on its own never justify a list.
>Others (ie IT-Pros taking care of a fleet of TPs) would maybe prefer
>a split along the lines of OS's rather than models.

>And just think how much work it would be for PEP-Sales to cover
>all the different lists. Except for the one: "IBM TP's without 
>intentions to buy from PEP"...
Hmm... I wonder how many people would join that list!?

>>Just my $0.02:
>pling pling in the penny-tray.
Visa or American Express?

Paul Khoury