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Re: NT on 750?

On Thu, 7 Aug 1997 22:23:35 -0400 (EDT), rj wrote:

>Well I put NT 4.0 on my 701 (DX4/75, 40MB RAM, 1.3 GB HDD) about 6 months
>ago and its been running just fine; in fact it ran fairly well with 24 MB
>RAM although there was a bit of disk thrashing which is why I went to 
>40MB. It doesn't have alot of the APM and while it will hibernate, coming
>out of hibernation is something of a bummer as the modems will not work 
>until re-boot and the system clock has to be reset. The best  point is 
>that in the 6+ months running NT the box has *never* crashed; I have had
>to kill a task or two but I've never had to re-boot.

What kind of apps do you run?  On my Warp box 
(701, 12MB RAM, 720HD, 3 modems, 1 FLASH card 5MB),
I don't have many crashes except when I run too much stuff for
my RAM capacity.  I also run 32,16, and 8 bit apps simultaniously,
but I don't currently have Win-OS/2 installed (which is sort of
a good thing and a bad thing).


Paul Khoury