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560 / parallel port cd-rom


i have trouble installing a parallel port cd-rom drive on my 560 with
windows 95.  i have tried changing the parallel port to ecp, epp,
bi-directional, 3bc and 378 (both through the thinkpad utilities, and also
the device manager) -- but no success.  the drive did install with no
problems on a desktop with windows 95.

any suggestions?




        Prof. Sergiu Hart
          Department of Mathematics and Department of Economics
MAIL:   Center for Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory
          The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
          Feldman Building, Givat Ram
          91904 Jerusalem, Israel
FAX:    +972-2-6513681
PHONE:  +972-2-6584135/6
E-MAIL: hart@math.huji.ac.il
WWW:    http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~hart