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Re: New TP 760ED owner

Steve Meisner wrote:
> First, sometimes while the machine is running, disk access will cause the
> screen to slightly flicker. Enough to be noticed, but not enough to
> interfere with the operation. But it is annoying...does this happen with
> other TP's?

I did not see that with my ED. Is it with the stock AC adapter or a
different one?

> Second, the bottom gets extremely hot while using it. Again, is this
> normal? It seems to be a large waste of energy (since it takes energy to
> create heat, and there's a lot being created!!)

That's due to the processor in the box. Someone posted something here a
bit ago about patching the BIOS to help with this, but I didn't check
out the details (sorry).

> Does anyone know if IBM supplies a recovery CD to completely rebuild the
> machine to get back to the original condition as when it was shipped? For
> Win95 and/or WinNT?

They are with the X and 765 series, but I don't think they have them for
the E series.

> And last, I'm using the TP with a Dock II station -- NT 4.0 can't detect
> when the system is docked. Is that because something is wrong, or a lack of
> plug-n-play support?

Welcome to NT. You can have multiple boot-up configurations so that you
can select docked or not, however.
Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, Colorado
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