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Problem with screen on 560 DSTN; opinions wanted

I wanted your opinion on something.  I bought a 560 DSTN machine about 3
weeks ago.  When I received it I immediately put FreeBSD on it.  After
trying for some time to get X windows working on it I finally put XFree86
3.3 on it and it worked.  

Around this time I noticed an abberation on the screen and figured out it
is right where the screen closes onto the trackpoint device. Upon closer
inspection I noticed that there is an "image" on the screen that is like
the ghosting of the trackpoint and the two rises on the wrist rest where it
sinks in to make room for the buttons.  If you dont have the 560 this is
difficult to explain.  

My guess is somehow the clearance of the screen when the unit is closed is
not very much and it is coming into contact with the highest points and
damaging (albeit slowly) the screen.  The ghost image is very visible under
artificial light on the console.  Under natural light it is harder to see
unless the screen is colored like in X or EasySetup.

My question is what can I do about this? If I send the unit into IBM's
EasyServe are they going to determine it is my fault and charge me 170 for
looking at it or is there something wrong with the unit (ie. clearance is
not enough) or do others have this same problem and it is just a 'feature'
of the 560?

TIA for any opinions you may have on this subject.  I read the list or you
can email me directly.
