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Re: Help!

We've seen a number of posts here attempting to get rid of the password.
I don't think any of them have worked. A couple of things to check: CAPs
versus lower case. You disable the password by entering it at the prompt
with a space after it. I don't know how you "disabled" the password in
the BIOS. Had you locked the BIOS a long time ago with a different
password? The supervisor password doesn't prompt you on boot: That's
either the system password (if it's a little monitor icon) or a
harddrive password (with the harddrive icon). If you had both set to the
same password, you need to disable both of them to make it work.

Hope this helps...
Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, Colorado
mailto:ssh@wwsi.com       +1.303.581.0800         http://www.wwsi.com/