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FYI: Insight has IBM 133MHz Pentium Notebook (IBT2625FE9) $1579.99 ThinkPad 365XD, 11.3" Dual Scan display, 8MB EDO DRAM,

They shipped my Home & Away LAN+modems right away...

Ciao, Tom
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FROM:Tom Trottier, MBA     Senior Technical Architect
SHL Systemhouse Ltd. Ottawa Global Development Centre
50 O'Connor St. Suite 501,      Ottawa K1P 6L2 Canada
+1 613 236-6604x5539  fax 232-5182  ttrottier@shl.com

From:  Insight Email Specials[SMTP:special@insight.com]
Sent:  1997 July 15 - Tuesday 02:54
To:  email_ad@insight.com
Subject:  **AD** Do these prices make you happy baby?

America's discount source for computers, hardware and software
Offer ends 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Wednesday, July 16, 1997.
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IBM 133MHz Pentium Notebook (IBT2625FE9)              $1579.99 
ThinkPad 365XD, 11.3" Dual Scan display, 8MB EDO DRAM,
1.35GB removable hard drive, 6X CD-ROM drive Includes
Windows 95 and Lotus SmartSuite
1 year manufacturer's warranty 

Add an 8MB 365XD memory upgrade (PNY381893) from PNY    $52.99 
IBM 200MHz Pentium Multimedia Minitower (IB2159S74B)  $1349.99
Aptiva S74 - Black case, 16MB EDO DRAM, 2.5GB hard drive,
2MB EDO video/3D graphics, 8X CD-ROM drive, 28.8 data/fax/voice
modem, Over 30 software titles, includes Windows 95 and Lotus 
SmartSuite, 3 year manufacturer's warranty,
Factory remanufactured 

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(360x360dpi color), Includes Canon Creative software,
Single cartridge process, 1 year manufacturer's warranty
Factory remanufactured 

Add an extra print cartridge:
Black BC-02 (CNBC02) $25.99        Color BC-05 (CMBC05) $39.99 
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           EMAIL: sduncan@insight.com
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