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RE: Another video observation (TP701)

On Wed, 09 Jul 1997 at 11:27 AM you, axel hartmann
<axel.hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de>, said:

>>>On a 701CS, Win95, running a DOS session in a window will screw up the
>>>screen if the color depth is 16-bit, but not at 256 colors.

>At 16 bit color depth there is no palette. It is also not a limitation of
>the chip, because before I reinstalled my TP701, I had it fixed, though I
>cannot recall which updated driver actually did it, and I have not been
>able to reproduce it.

Running a windowed DOS- or OS/2-session works fine on my TP701C with a
16-bit color depth (640x480x65536). This is with version 3.22 of the C&T
65545 driver for OS/2, found in the self-extracting file vo701322.exe

The driver is advertised as written specifically for the 701C/701CS and
24-bit color is claimed to be supported (640x480x16777216 is listed as an
option in System Setup - System - Screen) but I haven't been able to get
it to work. Has anyone succeeded?

Dominique Pivard <domi@kenavo.fi>
Helsinki, Finland