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Re: 701 Win95 video drivers

On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, Robert F. Munzenrider wrote:

>  And I have a question relating to this use of the Win95 defaults.  The
> clarity  (resolution???)  for .jpg graphics sucks, both on the 701 screen
> and on external monitors (OK:  I'm looking at Martian pictures.....)   I
> have the video set to 640x480 & 256 colors, and it's my understanding that
> this is as high as this system can go.

I won't repeat everything I said on this topic last week.  The
701 can do 640x480x32k, 640x480x64k, and 640x480x16M (The CS
may not be able to do the last, and you can't tell the
difference between these three even with a TFT).  Others have
said updated Win95 drivers are available at www.chips.com.
John H. Kim