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Re: video questions redux

TROTTIER, Tom wrote:

> One other advantage of 16-bit is that you can use the font smoothing
> add-on
> from MS, w95gray.exe. Haven't tried it on my 701 yet.
> So if you set the resolution higher, you can do hardware pans, i.e.
> when
> the mouse or cursor moves near or off the edge of the screen, the
> driver
> shows more of the screen?
> Ciao, Tom
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> FROM:Tom Trottier, MBA     Senior Technical Architect
> SHL Systemhouse Ltd. Ottawa Global Development Centre
> 50 O'Connor St. Suite 501,      Ottawa K1P 6L2 Canada
> +1 613 236-6604x5539  fax 232-5182  ttrottier@shl.com
> ----------
> From:  Dale Chao[SMTP:geige@sprintmail.com]
> Sent:  1997 July 3 - Thursday 10:22
> To:  Peter Lewis; THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu
> Subject:  Re: video questions redux
> Hi,
> My comments...
> Actually, I have a 701CS (dual-scan) and do notice quite a bit of
> difference between 256-color and 16-bit (64k) on my screen. Since I
> use a
> picture of my dog as my wallpaper, the difference is immediately
> evident
> when switching color depths. It's true that many (if not most) apps
> are
> use
> 256-color icons, so you may not notice any difference there. However,
> if
> you fire up Communicator and switch, you'll see differences in the
> toolbar.
> I guess it comes down to how you use your machine, whether it's worth
> it.
> Having been alerted by another user on the list, I went to the Chips &
> Technology site and picked up the latest Win95 driver for 65545.
> Combining
> this with the generic Super VGA 1024x768 monitor driver, my monitor is
> behaving quite nicely. One advantage is that the QuickRes tray applet
> (or
> the checkbox in the display settings if you're using OSR2) works
> properly,
> displaying the correct choices for display. These are:
>         640x480 - 256 color
>         800x600 - 256 color
>         1024x768 - 256 color
>         640x480 - 16 bit
> A couple of observations about those settings:
> Setting color depth to 256 color allows the machine to do simultaneous
> display on the screen and an external monitor. This is useful for me
> because I have a tv tuner hooked up to the monitor so it's easier to
> watch
> the boob tube when I'm working and switch to the monitor when I need
> to
> see
> bigger or clearer.
> 800x600 or 1024x768 does, in fact, work on the 701CS screen. It's just
> that
> the whole thing doesn't show up at once. You wind up panning around
> the
> screen. I've played with this setting, putting up a Communicator,
> Eudora
> and a telnet session and switching between them by panning around the
> screen instead of using the taskbar. It's kinda fun, actually. The
> higher
> resolutions display completely on my external monitor, of course.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Dale Chao
> Concord, California
> NEW>> Primary Email: geige@usa.net
> NEW>> My homepage: hepster.phy.uic.edu/~geige (last revision: 1/2/97)
> PGP key available
> -----------------
> -----------------------------------------------------

Hi What is the url for Chips and Tech for drivers please.Thanks Don