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Re: add external mouse 755cx

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Doug Fairclough wrote:

> my mouse clicker is quite dead.  i could easy serve, but seems like
> a mixed bag.  the delay and all ...
> so i was wondering if it is hard to add an external mouse ?  the
> back has serial port so i could hook it up to that.  just wondering
> how to get the system to see it and all ...

Actually it's very easy to add an external mouse to the thinkpad 755Cx.
All you have to do is plug the mouse into the PS2 port (on the right side
of the machine, next to the PCMCIA ports) This way, the machine
automatically detects the mouse, and you can use the same drivers for the
mouse as you used for the trackpoint (I have done this with a 3-button
logitech mouse, and with an IBM mouse designed for the thinkpads).
Alternatively you can hook the mouse up to the com port, but I would not
advise you to do this, since you then would probably need another set of
drivers, and you would take up a com port which can be used for some thing
else (I have used both com1 and com2 on my system for the Mwave modem, and
a cellular phonemodem in the PCMCIA slot).

Good luck

LArs Evensen, Overordnet TillitsValgt (OTV) ved FIM, NTNU
E.B.Schieldrops Vei 11-16             E-mail : larsev@stud.math.ntnu.no
7033 Trondheim                        WWW : http://www.fm.unit.no/~larsev/
Norway                                Phone :  + 47 - 73 88 89 01