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Re: 701c video questions

Hi Peter,

I've got a 701cs, so I assume it's the same. Running Windows 95, I can run
16-bit color without a problem. Just change the settings in the control
panel. Or better yet, and provided you have a display driver chosen that
can do this, use the DisplayRes applet that you can pick up from the
Microsoft web site for free.


At 10:50 PM 6/28/97 -0700, you wrote:
>What are the resolution and color-palette options for the 701c?  
>I'm at 640x480 and 256 colors, which are the settings the previous owner
>Can either be bumped up? Is that a good idea? Near as I can tell, the
>manual is silent on this.  
Dale Chao
Concord, California
NEW>> Primary Email: geige@usa.net
NEW>> My homepage: hepster.phy.uic.edu/~geige (last revision: 1/2/97)

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