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760 series...

I've posted this question on the listserv before, but I was wondering if anyone 
else is experiencing *flickering* problems with their 12.1" SVGA TFT screens.  
I sent my 760ED to EasyServ and they replaced the motherboard and DC Card.  
Everything seemed fine, for a while.  Then, the screen started flickering 
sporatically again, but thankfully not as frequent.

Furthermore, I'm now occasionally getting a boot failure when I turn on the 
computer.  It doesn't seem to recognize either the hard disk or the floppy.  
Needless to say, I was in a panic until I figured out that repeatedly resetting 
the computer with the reset button help me to boot the Thinkpad up again.

Lastly, I'm curious if anyone else has experienced *sore* wrists with the 760 
series.  I've owned a 720C and 755CX and never had a problem.  But since the 
keyboard is much higher I find that my right wrist is very sore.  I don't 
find the tilt feature much help as I would prefer the actually notebook on feet 
than this.


... patrick

           Patrick Hong Systems Management & Consulting Inc.           

email: phong@concentric.net   Tel: (613) 769-1544   Fax: (613) 728-4063