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Re: Audio with Mwave Solaris X86?

> Has anyone gotten the sound to work on Solaris X86 on a thinkpad that has
> the Mwave DSP (such as the 755CD)?  I know that the modem part of the
> MWAVE will not work because it needs to have the "MwaveOS" running, but
> I'm pretty sure that the mwave chip is register compatible with
> soundblaster pro which Solaris does support.

True, but I'm under the impression that the MWave code has to be
downloaded to the DSP to make the SoundBlaster stuff work, too,
register compatibility notwithstanding.

I'd certainly be interested in hearing if anyone has any success in
this regard, though. But I confess that I've never even tried to get
sound working on a Solaris Thinkpad.

Has anyone tried Solaris 2.6 yet? It's supposed to have a few more
"notebook-friendly" features.

Tim Tyhurst                  tim@excelsior.com