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RE: tp750 audio with linux/*bsd

Don't know if this helps BUT:
The chip is a CS4248 Crystal Semiconductor.
Same as Analog Devices AD1848 rev K  which was replaced by the 
pin compatible AD1845  . Info on both is on Analog's WEB page.
Crystal lists the CS4231A as being the replacement for the CS4248.
This might give you a few options in Setup.

I'm trying to make the soundcard do Full duplex which means replacing
the chip with a pin compatible one. And finding Drivers (grin).

From: 	Keith Moore[SMTP:moore@cs.utk.edu]
Sent: 	Tuesday, June 17, 1997 3:32 PM
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	tp750 audio with linux/*bsd

has anyone figured out how to get the thinkpad 750's audio chip
to work with either Linux or *bsd?