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Want Thinkpad 701

Looking for a new or used 701, dx-4, with 540 or better drive TFT. Anyone
selling, trading "have just about anything you could want or can most
likely get it" or know or retailers. Thanks
 AARON TUNNELL		Freinds are all I need to get by, -me
 ork@p3.net or atunnell@bigfoot.com or 
          poohbear@hempseed.com Running
 SGI: Irix- speed counts, then price
 Volkswagen Jetta - Drivers Wanted - Speed Racer - Fahrvergnügen!
 Clothes provided by Patagonia  Pooh Is my very best friend
 Dr. Seuss- "I'm afraid that sometimes you'll
  play lonely games too. Games you can't 
   win cause you'll play against you."
 Eeyore- "We can't all, and some of us don't.
  Thats all there is to it." 
 DMB- "Could I have been anyone other than me?"
  "I am Who I am Who I am, Well who am I?"
 Rusted Root- It can't be explained, it must be experienced.