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Re: New TP 560?

Jesse Montrose <jesse@spine.com> writes:

> At 11:16 AM 6/6/97 -0400, Jeff Sokolov wrote:
> ]I couldn't find such an announcement on either the IBM Thinkpad web-page,
> ]comp.sys.laptops, or at www.pcmag.com.
> ]
> ]Would you please be more specific as to where you saw this news.
> pc week
> http://www8.zdnet.com/pcweek/news/0526/30mibm.html
> Says it adds an l2 cache and bumps up the base ram to 16mb, too.

Dare we hope for an extra Meg of video RAM?  
David Fox	    http://www.cat.nyu.edu/fox		 xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab   fox@cat.nyu.edu    baL hcraeseR aideM UYN