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Re: New Thinkpad 760?

They'll probably announce the new machines next  week at PC Expo.

On Sat, 7 Jun 1997, Steve Hultquist wrote:

> Jane Loyless wrote:
> > The screen was *HUGE*.  It was amazing how much bigger it appeared than the
> > 12.1" sitting next to it.
> Sweet! That's what I wanted to hear! Hmmm... I may have to bridge a
> couple of weeks, then, so I'll have to figure out how to do that. I know
> my new associate wouldn't be to keen on the idea of waiting a week or
> two for this one (would you?), so I have some fun in front of me!
> Thanks, tho, for letting me know, and reminding me it's the 765. Is
> there a letter designation?
> --
> Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
> Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, Colorado
> mailto:ssh@wwsi.com       +1.303.581.0800         http://www.wwsi.com/