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RE: novice questions

On Friday, June 06, 1997 16:42, Randal Whittle[SMTP:rwhittle@usa.net] wrote:
>At 09:19 PM 6/5/97 -0700, Peter Lewis wrote:

>>My 360meg HD is approaching full on the TP701C, on which I am running
>	I'll try.  :-)
>	First, you worry about what drive you get.  Basically, any standard 2.5"
>notebook drive should work in your machine.  You *could* go as big as 3 GB
>I believe.

Careful, careful!

the laptop in question is the 701, and it only takes 2.5" drives up to 
0.5" = 12.5mm high. many cheap drives are 17mm and will not fit.

also, the standard pin arrangement of the 2.5" drives has changed recently
regarding master/single master/slave status of the drive and tha way they 
need to be shorted. I am not sure if that applies with the 701.

I won't even go into the problems with the caddies...


                  Axel Hartmann                                      .
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