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Re: mwave and midi file problem

Well, this is a suprise - I have had the same problems with playing MIDI 
files although my circumstances are somewhat different, perhaps. I have
an old but still very useful TP750 Mono for which I purchased one of
those IBM 3D PCMCIA Sound Cards.

I installed the DOS drivers and have had absolutely no problems at all
with any games I care to throw at it, except Dark Forces where the
speech is garbled (ideas, anyone?).

Recently I did a stupid thing and installed the Windows drivers in place 
of the IBM Audio Features drivers. Everything worked OK until I tried to 
use the IBM-provided mixing desk programme - after that, MIDI files
would not play and I got the message that the proper drivers were not

The only way round this was to completely re-install the drivers from
the disks and DO NOT USE the mixing desk programme. In fact, delete it!
Manually edit the .INI file if you can understand it.

I have the absolutely latest drivers from the IBM FTP site and it made
no difference, so perhaps someone from IBM would care to comment, or has 
anyone got this to work satisfactorily?



In message "mwave and midi file problem", you write:

> There are six files that you need to d/l from the IBM Web site & install
> for midi samples to play. Because you didn't say which TP or operating
> system you are using, I can not say which files to Down Load.
> At 08:05 AM 5/20/97 -0700, Joseph Pugliese.m.d. wrote:
> >I am not able to play midi files with mwave.I keep getting the error
> message that the proper drivers are not installed.I can play wav files.
> > Any help will be appreciated.
> >  joe
> >
> >Joseph Pugliese 
> >email: jpuglies@eye.microserve.com

|            Dan Hammett - TN-16X Hardware Engineer             |
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