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Re: CPU Upgrades for TP 750

The TP750 can NOT be upgraded !!
The Intel 486SL is not compatible with any current CPU pinout or function.
..peter.. Thinking very strongly about upgrading his TP730T .
   epecially since it is on a daughtercard and is a 486SX 3.3 volt 
and a AMD DX-133 would be kind of neat.......
and pin compatible ;-}
> From: Paul Khoury <pkhoury@earthlink.net>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu; Daniel Hammett <dhammett@nortel.ca>
> Subject: Re: CPU Upgrades for TP 750
> Date: Sunday, May 19, 1996 8:10 AM
> On 23 Apr 1997 07:22 EDT, Daniel Hammett wrote:
> >Folks,
> >
> >It's been a while since I saw this topic posted, and I am ever the
> >optimist. The question is fairly straight forward - does anyone know of
> >a CPU upgrade for the ThinkPad 750? The original CPU is a 486SL/33 and I

> >had heard that there was no upgrade path from SL parts.
> >
> >Are there no higher speed SL CPUs or did Intel only make the 33MHz
> >version?
> >
> Actually, try going to http://www.evergreen.com.  I saw an advertisement
from them on processor upgrades in 
> Mobile Office.
> Regards,
> Paul Khoury
> pkhoury@earthlink.net