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Re: 64 MB DIMM

Jason Duran wrote:
> It appears that the new 380 accepts  64 MB DIMMs.
> Does anyone know anything about these ?  Are they
> compatible for use with any other thinkpads ?

I don't know about the 380, but I just put a 64M DIMM into my 760XD.
They look just like any of the DIMMs that you may have seen for the
other 760s (although I note that the XD has a better design with the
memory located under the hard drive instead of behind an exterior
panel). On the XD you actually have to disable 8MB of on-board memory to
get the 64M DIMM to work. Hence, I have 88MB working, although I really
have 96MB that I should be able to use.
Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, Colorado
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