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"Drive Copy"

Hi all,

	I just stumbled across the following product advertisement and looked at
their website.  I have NOT yet used it, but I did order it and presume it
will be promising for those of us who will be swapping a hard drive and
doing some rather painful copying/upgrading of drives.

	Everyone knows I'm already a big fan of PowerQuest's "Partition Magic" and
this "Drive Copy" product looks like another home run--and for $30.

	You can get the details from their Web Site at:


	Meanwhile, here's a blurb on the product from their site:

   Product Info
   Make a Purchase
   Why Partition?
   What's New
   PowerQuest Corp.
   Awards & Reviews
   Download Updates
                  For Immediate Release

                  Contact: PowerQuest Corp. Candice Steelman
                  (801)437-8900 or candice@powerquest.com 

                  February 20, 1997, Orem, Utah - One of the most
frequently asked questions
                  sent to computer industry columnists and retail help
desks is: How do I move my
                  operating systems, applications, and data from my old
hard drive to my new one? 

                  The answers have ranged from "impossible" to an involved
20-step process that
                  includes backing up, formatting, reinstalling, and
restoring. Now PowerQuest
                  presents an easy solution in their new product,
DriveCopy. With just a few simple
                  steps, computer users can move all of their information,
including the hard-drive
                  structure, to a new drive in minutes. 

                  DriveCopy builds on the enthusiastic reception given
PartitionCopy, a feature of
                  PowerQuest’s flagship product PartitionMagic. "We
introduced many great
                  features in PartitionMagic 3.0, but were surprised at how
quickly the PartitionCopy
                  feature shot up above the rest," according to PowerQuest
President Eric J. Ruff. 

                  With PartitionCopy, users can copy an entire partition
and its related files to a new
                  drive or another place on the same drive. DriveCopy
performs the same function,
                  but copies the entire drive, whether it has one C:
partition or multiple partitions.
                  During the copy process, the partitions are automatically
resized so that they take
                  up the same proportions on the new drive as they did on
the old one. For example,
                  a single C: partition on a 540MB drive will be resized to
span the length of a new
                  1.6GB drive. 

                  Once the process is complete, the user doesn’t need to
make any software
                  adjustments to the operating system or programs. The new
setup will perform as
                  before, "except the ‘disk full’ error message should go
away," says Ruff. 

                  "With larger drives becoming the norm, users perceive
their drives as getting
                  smaller and smaller," says Steve Fairbanks, Product
Marketing Manager.
                  "Everyone seems to want a new and larger hard drive. Plus
nearly all software
                  packages are increasing their disk space requirements
with each new release, so a
                  500MB-1GB hard drive is quickly filling up. 

                  "But users have spent many hours configuring their
existing drive until it’s just the
                  way they want it. How to get that configuration from the
old drive to the new one
                  was a headache. With DriveCopy, it’s simple."

                  Some new drive owners have gotten up with the chickens to
start inserting
                  diskettes and CDs in their new drive to reinstall
applications, then spent hours
                  transferring files. Others have paid professionals to
switch drives for them, paying
                  as much as $100. DriveCopy will replace those hours with
minutes and will have an
                  estimated street price of $29.95. Projected release date
is March 31, 1997. 

                  DriveCopy is the second product from PowerQuest which
began shipping its
                  award-winning software, PartitionMagic, in 1995. Now in
its third release,
                  PartitionMagic is the first software that allows computer
users to create, resize,
                  move, and delete hard disk partitions on the fly without
destroying data. 

                  For more information, see PowerQuest’s home page at
                  http://www.powerquest.com, call (800)379-2566, or send
email to
                  magic@powerquest.com. Specific information about
DriveCopy will 			be available
                  on the home page towards the end of March. 

                  Copyright ©1997, by PowerQuest Corporation

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
Marshall Graduate School of Business at USC    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

*Every* man dies.  Not every man really LIVES!
		    - William Wallace, 15th Century Scottish Freedom Fighter