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Re: 701 Win95 16-bit MS-DOS colour problems (fwd)

Peter Lewis replies:
>> >
>> Questions about your post:
>> Is the 65545 video chip in the 701 standard issue?
>> In other words, is the latest Win95 driver you alluded to one that _all_
>> 701 owners running Win95 could/should install? Does it matter if it's 701c
>> or 701cs?
>> You're talking about file name WIN95141.ZIP dated 3/25/97, size 75K,
>> DirectX 3.0, correct?
>> Is this driver also available/recommended at an IBM site?
>> Given past headache/heartache with video issues on other computers, and the
>> fact that I'm having no display problems w/my TP701c, I am loathe to mess
>> with video unless it's a sure thing, or darn near.
>> Thanks.
>> --

To be more precise:

Yes, I am using the win95141.zip dated 3/25/97, size 75K with the
DirectX 3.0 support on a 701CS.

Last time I checked the IBM web site, that driver was not mentioned,
however, it seems that very little has been done by IBM to provide
updated drivers for any 701 series machine since mid-last year.

Chips & Technologies has their disclaimer on whether their drivers
will work for anything, but it works fine for me, and the Direct X
support is nice for grins, even if all that software that exploits it
runs best on Pentium machines.

So, in short, do what you feel is in your best interest - I feel
your pain in fearing video upgrades (esp. with Win95), but having
external 1024x768x256 without the interlacing and not having
the MS-DOS command line fuzzies by upgrading the video driver
was a big win for me.
