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Re: Laptops safety at the airports

Gabriel Ash wrote:
> As an aside. The thing most dangerous to notebooks
> in airports are professional notebook thiefs. Keeping
> it close without advertising its existence would be useful.
> there have been alerts in the past about thieves working
> in themes near the x-ray machines.
> -------------
> Gabriel Ash
> Notre-Dame
> -------------
I used to do airport security, and I've asked security personnel at
several airports about this.  It doesn't seem to be a very common
problem.  Perhaps at some foreign airports but I don't know.  A bigger
problem is with stolen checked luggage.  Look at it this way, you'd be
pretty bold to steal a computer while heading into a secured area with
security personnel all around.  But it's probably not a good idea to
leave any of your belongings unattendened once you're in the
gate/terminal area.  Besides being easy prey for thieves it may also be
picked up by security as a suspicious item and in the worste case..
detonated by the bomb squad.
Greg A.