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Re: Possible 560 newbie

On Tue, 6 May 1997, Bob Angell wrote:

>  > 2.  Does the lack of a L2 cache hurt its performance severely?  I'll
> be
>  > doing a bit of Photoshop work and would like to know if I should wait
>  > until a more powerful 560 comes around (has one been announced? any
>  > insider gossip?).
>  Not sure on this one.  It won't be the L2 cache that causes the bottle
>  necks, IMNSHO, but the RAM itself ... if you get at least 32 or even
>  64, you should be fine (especially since you are doing alot of photo
>  rendering).

  I have a TP560-120 and it benchmarks at about an equivalent of a Pentium
90 desktop.  A TP560-133 should approximately match a Pentium 100
desktop system.

  The TP560 comes with 8MB and can take one memory module at either 8MB,
16MB, or 32MB which gives you memory options of 8MB, 16MB, 24MB and 40MB.
I bought my TP560 with 24MB installed and then upgraded it to 40MB.  With
my light use of Photoshop 3.05 on it I didn't notice much difference.  I
do most of my Photoshop work on my 64MB RAM desktop since it is a bit more
capable, and that is where my scanner is..  =)

Make no laws whatever concerning speech and, speech will be free; so
soon as you make a declaration on paper that speech shall be free, you
will have a hundred lawyers proving that "freedom does not mean abuse,
nor liberty license;" and they will define and define freedom out of
                -- Voltarine de Cleyre (1866-1912)