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Let Me Introduce Myself

As a new subscriber to this ThinkPad Mailing List my subscription
comfirmation message asked that I introduce myself and my ThinkPad so here
it is:

I am Dave Howery, a biologist working at Trinity College in Hartford; I live
in Granby Connecticut.  I've wanted a laptop since I saw the first Toshibas
in the mid 1980's but my new IBM ThinkPad 701CS is the first notebook
computer I've owned.  I confess; I am infatuated with the 701.  I "fell in
love" the first time I saw that full sized keyboard fold out of its
miniature case. I may even have to name it and I've never named a computer
in the 15 years I've been using them.

I just bought my 701CS so it is pure stock at this time; DX4/75, 720 MB HD,
8 MB RAM running OS/2 Warp 3.  I intend to add a 32 MB RAM chip soon so I
can upgrade the operating system to Warp 4.  The 701 has a built-in 14.4
modem but since the IBM Home and Away PCMCIA Modem/Ethernet adapter is so
inexpensive now ($39.95) I am planning to pick one up so I can connect to
both my home desktop machine and the network at Trinity College.

I've read the FAQ but I suspect I'll ask some dumb questions as I learn my
way around the 701 and mobile computing.

Best Wishes,


        David Howery            |
    Department of Biology       |      Email  -  dhowery@trincoll.edu
      Trinity College           |      Phone  -   (860) 297-5189
     300 Summit Street          |       FAX   -   (860) 297-2538
   Hartford, CT  06106-3100     |

      David C. Howery       |                                          
   Department of Biology    | Email - david.howery@mail.trincoll.edu 
      Trinity College       | Phone - (860) 297-5189                 
     300 Summit Street      |   FAX - (860) 297-2538                 
   Hartford, CT  06106-3100 |                                        