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FW: TP701 HD Upgrade Successful

-----Original Message-----
From:	Geovanny M. Ortiz [SMTP:o-n-a@bridge.net]
Sent:	Wednesday, April 16, 1997 2:10 PM
To:	'PEPSales@aol.com'
Subject:	RE: TP701 HD Upgrade Successful

	You have mentioned several times in this list that you have pentium class upgrades for the Thinkpad 701 and someone asked for significant bench test results of a 701 with your upgrade, you, however, have not posted any test results.  I think you would have better results selling, at least to me,  you upgrade if you posted some comparison for us to decide if it is worth the money.  I appreciate your company's effort to keep the 701 alive.  Hope to "hear" from you.

-----Original Message-----
From:	PEPSales@aol.com [SMTP:PEPSales@aol.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, April 16, 1997 1:43 PM
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	Re: TP701 HD Upgrade Successful


We have metal Hard Drive Caddies of our own design available for the TP701.
They work great and are more durable than the originals. Hard Drive upgrades
through 2.1gb and CPU upgrades to Pentium Class are available. Largest
available HDD is currently the 3gb for systems that can take a Full Height
drive. External HDD Shells are available for extended system storage
capacities. Please contact me if you have any other questions or needs.

Best Regards,

email: pepsale2@portables.com
Portable Enhancements
The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
Up to 3GB in your Notebook!
WEB: http://www.portables.com

========Original Message========

Subj:	TP701 HD Upgrade Successful
Date:	97-04-16 06:02:27 EDT
From:	eddy@ucla.edu (Eddy Lin)
To:thinkpad@cs.utk.edu (thinkpad@cs.utk.edu)

 A question from me: Does anyone know a source where I can get an original
IBM HD caddy for the TP701 (new or used)? IBM doesn't sell the caddy along;
at least not to the public. I've found companies that sell third-party made
caddies but I would prefer an original part if it's available. I want to use
my old 540MB drive sometimes. Thanks.

Eddy Lin