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Re: Future Think Pads

Thanks for this very interesting article.  I was trying to find the
complete article but searches at www.infoworld.com under "IBM Thinkpad" and
"Briody" did not return this article.  In the future, I would like to
recommend that people include URLs in post such as these.


At 12:53 PM 4/15/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I spotted this on Infoworld Electric
>IBM to consolidate desktop lines, overhaul ThinkPad design 
>By Dan Briody 
>InfoWorld Electric 
>Posted at 1:25 PM PT, Apr 10, 1997 
>IBM is taking a series of steps in both its desktop and portable product
>lines intended to make buying an IBM PC easier. 
>[snip - desktop stuff deleted]
>Also in the plans for IBM is a major redesign of the ThinkPad notebook
>computer line, expected to improve performance and reliability as well as
>to bring the machines more in line with typical portable form factors. 
>Among the features to be included in upcoming ThinkPads are 15 millimeter
>removable Zip drives, eventually to be included across the entire product
>line, and a removable dual CD-ROM/floppy drive module for the ThinkPad 360
>line, according to company officials. Keyboards will also be redesigned,
>with the company opting to go with more traditional laptop keyboards over
>the ThinkPads' current raised keyboard. 
>IBM is expected to use Intel as the motherboard manufacturing house, rather
>than use its own facilities, and will provide an easy upgrade path for CPUs
>in the new notebooks for a longer product cycle and reduced cost. 

Jeff Sokolov (jsokolov@gte.com)
Senior Member of the Technical Staff
Service Concept and Design Department
GTE Laboratories Incorporated
40 Sylvan Road, MS 38
Waltham, MA 02154
(617) 466-4042 (phone)
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