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Re[2]: TP 701 battery gauge

     Ditto that remark.  I think Ezserve is feeding you a line.

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Subject: Re: TP 701 battery gauge
Author:  Michael Cummings <michael@saturn.darcars.net> at Internet
Date:    4/7/97 6:54 PM

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, Raymond Arritt wrote:
> The battery gauge on my Thinkpad 701C always reads 0 (zero) percent
> regardless of how much the battery is really charged up.  IBM Support 
> says this is because I have a NiMH battery and the BIOS only knows
> about NiCads.  I'm a bit skeptical, because it always reads zero on 
> the old NiCad also -- Support's explanation was "you have an old
> NiCad battery that's probably dead."
Well I have 2 NiMH batteries for my 701 and both of then show just 
fine on the gauge.
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Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 18:54:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Cummings <michael@saturn.darcars.net>
To: Raymond Arritt <rwarritt@iastate.edu>
cc: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: TP 701 battery gauge
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