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Re: New IBM 701CS owner

There is more than one version of the FaxWorks Program on the IBM site.  
Be sure that you got the one that is specifically for the 701's.  I 
formatted my hard drive and installed Win 95 and then downloaded the 701 
version of FaxWorks from IBM and have had no problems with it 
what-so-ever.  Be sure you chnange back the commdrv= line in the sys.ini 
file that faxworks changed.

On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, Geovanny M. Ortiz wrote:

> I recently purchased an IBM Thinkpad 701CS from IBM credit.  Upon arrival of my new computer, I formatted the hard drive to get rid of preinstalled software and installed Windows 95.  Everything worked well except my modem.  The machine specifications state that the computer has speakerphone capabilities, but the Windows 95 software I installed only detected data and fax capabilities.  I also tried Windows 3.11 software with no luck.  After several other ideas I posted a message on IBM's AOL forum and a tech answer saying that I needed to use the special version of Faxworks that came with the computer.  I downloaded the program from IBM's website and installed it only to run into more problems.  First, Faxworks would case a GPF every time I tried to run it and second, Faxworks adds its own comm.drv to the INI files disabling my dial-up connections.
> 	If you have heard or come across a solution to my problem, please e-mail me, (o-n-a@bridge.net), at your earliest convinience.
> Thank you.

GREGORY ALVANDIAN              :  Pooh looked at his two paws.  He knew that
                               :  one of them was the right, and he knew
SOCIETY OF AVIATION            :  that when you had decided which one of
MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONALS      :  them was the right, then the other one was
                               :  was the left, but he never could remember
UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY          :  how to begin.
slppj@cc.usu.edu               :  -The Tao of Pooh.