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IBM 365ED advice sought

     A local computer store is selling a 365ED  R6G model cheap because it 
     has no accesories.  Unfortunely they do not know the features and I 
     cannot seem to find information on IBM's web site.  I know the major
     features but need stuff like processor, memory, hd size.
     I am guessing it is Double Scan display as it has both brightness and 
     contrast.  Is the LCD capable of 800x600?
     If you have a 365ED, how do you like it?  I only have experience with 
     the 750Cs systems.
     I would like the built-in sound and CD as I use Street Atlas 4.0 and 
     GPSS when over in the UK.  GPSS has sound output.
     73 Eric eac@shore.net