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Re: 760ED & FAT 32

Hibernation has a problem with fat32 & most other disk utilites will
also have problems. You would have svga, 800x600 display. The XGA
came out in November or so.

It is also against the licencing agreemant, not my major concern. 

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:54:20 -0500 (EST), Michael P. Bernstein wrote:

>I'm thinking about reformatting and installing Fat 32 (Win 95).  Are there
>any incompatibilities between the so called "preinstalled applications"
>and FAT 32 on a 760ED?  Would I require a BIOS upgrade first?  My BIOS is
>from last May (I think).  If a BIOS upograde is necessary, how can I tell
>if I have the "enahnced video" (XGA) or regular SVGA model?
>/\/\ike Bernstein


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