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RE: How to listen RealAudio with Mwave M

"...Mwave will only work with modem & audio connection @ 14.4 level and only   
with mediocre performance !..."


this is not entirely true.  there are some audio applications that will not run 
on the mwave if the modem is connected at a higher speed than 14.4, but this is 
*not* true of realaudio.  i do it all the time at 28.8 with no performance 
degradation whatsoever.  this may be due in part to the fact that every 
realaudio stream i have picked up on so far is a 14.4 stream of 8-bit audio, 
but my connection is 28.8.  i've found that i can also surf the web & check my 
email without interrupting the audio stream.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Administrator, Ventana Communications Group
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
'sharpei diem' --  sieze the wrinkle dog.