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Re: Third Party Memory for the TP701

Just a note of caution (I'm always saying this), You've got a machine with a three 
warranty, do you want to invalidate the remainder of that to save a couple of hundred 
bucks?  There's no "right" answer but I've got two and a quarter years left on mine and I 
think the odds are that it will need some kind of repair in that time; so I'll spend the 
buck and put IBM approved memory in it.  That's just my take on it.

BTWm I've used Chip Merchant and never had a problem with them.

> I know nothing about the 32MB module for the TP701, but Chip Merchant has
> been around for at least 10 years in San Diego.  I have dealt with them
> many times and they are reputable.
> ----------
> > From: rj <rj@cais.com>
> > To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> > Subject: Third Party Memory for the TP701
> > Date: Tuesday, March 18, 1997 3:43 PM
> > 
> > I've located a 32MB RAM module from The Chip Merchant, they 
> > say it has NEC chip and the module is manufactured by Cubic(sp?).
> > Also, the module is not TP approved but it comes with a lifetime
> > replacement if due to manuf. defect. The price is very tempting, $355;
> > actually worryingly so!
> > 
> > Has anyone had any dealings, good or, esp. bad with either  The
> > Chip Merchant and/or the 701/32MB module or any other board by that
> > manufacturer and willing to share the experience?
> > 
> > Thanks!!

||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
||    laniear@ibm.net  OR  laniear@netcom.com               ||
||                                                          ||