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Re: Iomega Jaz on TP701

A data point:

My Jaz works just fine with my Bus Toaster and 701.  No screwing
required--it was just plug and play.

> I've been trying to hook up a Jaz drive to a TP701 using a Panasonic
> KXLC003, or whatever the PCMCIA card that comes wiht a KXL-783A is 
> called. I have the Jaz connected to the card and the CDROM connected 
> to the Jaz. I set the terminator on the CDROM to ON and the Jaz is 
> number 4 and the CDROM set to number 5. GUEST.EXE is run from a 
> DOS prompt and the program returns with an F: for the drive assignment.
> I can then cd to the F: drive but if I try to do anything then on that
> drive the system hangs and must be rebooted!!!
> Has anyone successfully at doing what I'm trying to do or have any
> idea what I need to do to get it to work???
> Thanks!!!

Ben Samman.................................................ben@edelweb.fr
Paris, France                      Illudium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator