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Re: Experience with partition magic 2.0 on win95

At 03:50 PM 3/14/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm about to use partition magic 2.0 on my 365XD(P100,24,810,DS) 
>does anyone have any experiences/hints/tips they like to share?


I have used PM since Ver 1 (it's up to ver 3 now). It's a wonderful program.
At the risk of stating the obvious, spend some time reading the manual.
Things that may seem intuitive but aren't, such as having to move a
partition before resizing it, are clearly explained in the manual. I fussed
around around a lot with the "hide partition" feature and the time I wasted
could have been saved by slowing down and looking for the answers in the
manual. I used tech support one time about 18 months ago and the guy was
very patient and helpful.

Good luck and have fun with the program,
