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Fwd: 755C Processor Upgrades


We have the CPU upgrades for the TP755 systems and many of the IBM line. We
can bring your system up to the AMD 5X86/100mhz processor which will give
your system the equivalent response of the Pentium 75. We also have HDD
upgrades for most of the IBM line through 3gb. This means that Total Storage
Space can be 6gb - 3gb internally and 3gb in an External HDD Shell. I am
sending our upgrade catalog for your system. Please contact me if you have
any other questions or needs.

Best Regards,

email: pepsale2@portables.com
Portable Enhancements
The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
Up to 2.1GB in your Notebook!
WEB: http://www.portables.com

========Forwarded Message========

Subj:	755C Processor Upgrades
Date:	97-03-06 14:21:48 EST
From:	cmccutch@city.north-york.on.ca (Connie McCutcheon)
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu

Can anyone recommend a processor upgrade for a ThinkPad 755C
(DX4-75) and where they can be obtained.

C. McCutcheon

Forwarded message:
From:	cmccutch@city.north-york.on.ca (Connie McCutcheon)
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Date: 97-03-06 14:21:48 EST

Can anyone recommend a processor upgrade for a ThinkPad 755C
(DX4-75) and where they can be obtained.

C. McCutcheon