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Re: Trident Cyber DirectX drivers

On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Peter Lewis wrote:
> Jon,
> Speaking only for myself, I would appreciate it if you quit making a habit
> of "pushing" these attachments on all members of this group. I don't doubt
> for a moment that the material you send is valuable to and wanted by some
> members. But not all.

I agree.  No flame intended, but MIME attachments can be quite large, and
it is a waste of disk space for most people, especially archives, not to
mention a huge waste of bandwidth.

My $0.02 would be _no_ binaries posted.  Either offer to send to
individuals, or simply post the URL.


Tony Apuzzo             Internet: apuzzo@vnet.ibm.com   VM: BLDVMA(APUZZO)
ISSC Boulder, Colorado     Phone: 303-924-1483         FAX: 303-924-1898