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Newcomer: 701c desc.

Since this is my first post, I'll consider myself a newcomer.  Here is a
description of my machine:

Thinkpad 701c DX4/75 with 720 mb HD and 16 meg ram.

-Running WFW3.11 (if it ain't broke.....) and PCDOS 6.3
-Panasonic KX-720 (sp?) 2x CDROM w/SCSI PCMCIA card
-Connect via IR to HP200LX (when needed) or serial cable.  I use this to
transfer data from the HP200LX to the TP from a VB 3.0 program I wrote to
complete my doctoral work at SIU.  I also use the HP ram card for data
transfer via the PCMCIA ports on the TP
-ZIP drive for data archival

-It all works great!

	What can I say?  There are bigger and faster laptops, but this
machine fits my requirements.  I had a minor problem initially with the
video board, but EZ serve had it repaired within 3 working days.  No
complaints there!  The modem works without a hitch (most of the time --
but I have similar intermittent problems on my desktop, so I think the
phone line is the culprit).  I wrote my dissertation on this machine (all
269 pages) and used it to develop the computer program on which my
dissertation research is based (using Visual Basic 3.0 -- about 150 pages
of code -- not a huge effort in terms of large developers, but this was a
very specific tool for a very specific research question).
	Would I buy another TP?  You bet (if I could afford it).  Oh, I
bought this through the IBM friends and family promotion 1.5 years ago ---
thanks again to Bob Angell!  I'll be glad to entertain questions from
anyone -- if I don't know the answer, I'll make something up <g>.


Stan Blank, Ph.D.
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology
Wayne City High School
Wayne City, Illinois 62895
