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RE: Updated 560?

Unfortunately, the reps only have solid info on the upcoming 760 models (which have been discussed in PC Week). They had no info on the 560 other than 4th quarter release.

I've been screaming for a real docking station solution since day one.....the port replicator just doesn't cut it in an office environment.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Randy Whittle [SMTP:rwhittle@usa.net]
Sent:	Wednesday, March 05, 1997 10:35 PM
To:	Gregg Ginsberg
Cc:	'Jeff Sokolov'; thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	RE: Updated 560?

At 10:41 AM 3/5/97 -0500, Gregg Ginsberg wrote:
>Our IBM rep has told us to look for new 560's in the 4th quarter

	What is expected to be different about them?

	My guess:  1024x768 resolution, faster CPU, bigger HD--if they're smart,
maybe they'll add som cache.  Anything else?

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
Marshall Graduate School of Business at USC    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

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