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Re: New BIOS for Thinkpad 760E+ models

Well, I have tried 4 different times to run Win95 OSR2 on my 760ED, but it
always causes random lock-ups and failures. I have tried installing with
FAT 16 and with FAT 32. I did not realize that some were using this on
their 760's without any problems, besides the hibernation (which I had
heard of, although it does not matter in my case). If I use Win95 version A
everything works perfectly. It seems from my experience that my problems
with OSR2 on the 760 were with the Mwave components. I would be interested
to hear if anyone else had problems such as this with OSR2, and if the new
BIOS fixes these problems also. BTW, I was using the most current BIOS and
the newest drivers when I tried the OSR2 install, the last attempt being 3
weeks ago.

Thanks for your help--

Eric Giles
> From: Tom Franklin <TomFrank@pacbell.net>
> To: Tom Kustner <tom.kustner@emjay.com>; thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: Re: New BIOS for Thinkpad 760E+ models
> Date: Tuesday, March 04, 1997 10:00 PM
> After upgrading to the new 1.07 BIOS I was able to create a hibernation
> file with Win95 OSR2 on a FAT32 partition.  I guess they didn't mention
> fixing that bug.
> The only problem was that when I restarted to get out of the hibernation
> mode, my computer locked up tight.  I guess hibernation feature will have
> to wait.  Anyone have better luck.
> ----------
> <1.07>
>  - (Fix) (Windows 95 only) Error pop up "1101" at power-on time when
> the serial port confugration is changed by the Device Manager of
> Windows 95 and the system is "docked".