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List Archive?

   From: "Tony Staples" <tstaples@sprintmail.com>
   Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:07:04 -0004

   Can anyone tell me if the list traffic is currently being archived, 
   and if so, where?  The info I saved when I subscribed listed:

   >The FAQ for this group is available for anonymous ftp from
   >swiss-ftp.ai.mit.edu, directory pub/archive/thinkpad/faq
   >(URL: ftp://swiss-ftp.ai.mit.edu/archive/thinkpad/faq/ )
   >Thanks to Sean Chou <ychou@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> for maintaining the 

   >There's also an archive of the past traffic on the list in 

   Both of these sites are hopelessly out of date.  I must have missed 
   any announcement of a change in location.  I specifically need to 
   review the recent threads regarding the upgrade of the ThinkPad MWave 
   modem to 28.8, and the 33.6 MWave hack.  Thanks in advance.

Sorry -- I never got around to automating the list archive, and it has
been a while since I updated it.  However, the list traffic has all
been saved.

I just chopped up the saved traffic into reasonably-sized pieces and
I'm copying it to the ftp server right now.  The copy should be
finished in ten or fifteen minutes.