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Re: Eye strain with 1024 * 768?

At 07:49 PM 3/1/97 HST, David Ross wrote:
>> 	If you run DOS apps in a window, then you can do a lot to manipulate their
>> size.  It might be when you purchase the Plus! pack, but there are fonts
>> just for DOS windows that allow for more size & selection variety for many
>> window sizes.
>Only for those DOS apps that are CRT-based.  I have several which I use
>regularly, but not on my 800x600 machine, because they are *not*
>CRT-based, and even with Plus! I can't make fonts big enough
>to be usable.

	What does "CRT-based" mean?  Any app--DOS or Windows--is "CRT-based"
whenever its run on a machine with a CRT!

>Also, many games (especially kids games) won't use the higher
>resolution, and look bad when stretched.  (One of my TP701's main uses
>is as a pacifier for my 2-year-old when we fly; anyone who flies 
>on the same plane with us benefits from this:-)

	I'll vouch for the computer-as-pacifier argument for 2 year olds.  ;-)

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
Marshall Graduate School of Business at USC    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

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