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NT 4.0 on 755CSE was Re: NT on 755CSE

John R. Morgan writes:
 > >From my experience with NT 3.51, the driver that ships with NT will do as
 > you say.  If, however, you get the enhanced video driver that IBM posts on
 > their web page, you'll get the higher resolutions.
 > At 03:56 PM 2/25/97 -0800, Tim Barthel wrote:
 > >Our IS department is upgrading to NT but our 755CSE's will only run at
 > >640x480 while docked to a 20" monitor even though IBM's web page
 > >claims that the higher resolutions are supported. Under 95, they run
 > >at 1024x768 without problems. Does anyone have any experience with
 > >this or a solution?  Thanks.
 > >
 > >Tim B.
 > >

We are using NT 4.0. We have checked IBM's website. They list VF75XWNT
for NT 3.51 on 755's but no driver for 4.0. For a 760, they list
VFTP3WNT for 3.51 and VFTP4WNT for 4.0. Where is the 4.0 driver for a
755? TIA.

Tim B.

      ===      | Timothy C. Barthel               email: barthetc@ibs.uscs.com
       #       | Software Engineer
 ===   #   === | Production Systems Integrity, MS/8388 
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   #   #   #   | El Dorado Hills, CA  95762-5712            fax: 916 939-5531
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