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Re: tp560 + w95 + combo card

At 11:33 PM 25/02/97 +0200, Sergiu Hart wrote:
>i have a tp560 + megahertz xjem3336 combo card (ethernet + modem).
>it works nicely under win95.
>one question though:  is there a way to switch from an ethernet
>connection (at the office) to a modem connection (at home) without
>having to reboot the computer?  the problem is that i use ppp
>for the modem connection, and i have to turn off the ethernet part
>of the card (my computer -> properties -> device manager) and then
>reboot, otherwise the ppp connection won't work.  any suggestions?
>also, i have by mistake erased the "thinkpad tools" group, and i
>would appreciate someone telling me what it included.  i remember
>things like "change battery", etc., but i could not find anything
>like it.
>	--sergiu--
>        Prof. Sergiu Hart
>          Department of Mathematics and Department of Economics
>MAIL:   Center for Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory
>          The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
>          Feldman Building, Givat Ram
>          91904 Jerusalem, Israel
>FAX:    +972-2-6513681
>PHONE:  +972-2-6584135/6
>E-MAIL: hart@math.huji.ac.il
>WWW:    http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~hart


I have had a problem with ppp internet connections lately and I think I
know the solution.  The docking station at work has a network card in it,
and the 755cdv also has a 3com pcard in it.  When at work, I could  not
connect via dialup unless I stopped the 3com or removed it.  I think I need
to set the two network cards to different IP address.

Back to your problem, are you dynamically assigning an IP address for the
dialup ppp or have you set it to the same IP address as the eithernet card?
To check this, go to dial up networking under my computer, right click your
server Icon, select properties,server type,TCPIP settngs.  Look to see if
server assigned IP address is selected or if an IP address is specified.

As for your missing group, check the IBM site for a thinkpad utilities disk
for your model.


Robert Stevens