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Re: IBM Software upgrades

On Sat, 22 Feb 1997 14:52:55 -0000, philip.c@virgin.net wrote:

>I am using a Thinkpad 760LD with Windows95 and have recently come across [..]
>Which, if any, of the upgrades should I be looking at downloading and [..]
>I intend to purchase a PCMCIA fax/modem for use with the 760LD.

It is always a good idea to download all new versions and read the "README"
file to see what bugs have been fixed. Unexperienced users often blame
Video-driver bugs on the Word processor etc...
In your special case I would look if there is a newer BIOS (you can see your
version in the Fn-F1 menu, last page I think, GR3O is the GeRman version 3O).
Copy it to a disk and boot with it.
YOu don't need to install any driver for a PC-Card (formerly PCMCIA) modem.
I suggest a MegaHertz and most listmembers would probably agree...

joerg klemenz 