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Re: 755cd and win95

At 08:03 PM 24/02/97 -0500, Fredmmill@aol.com wrote:
>I have a 755cd (486 dx 100) with 8 megs of ram.  I am currently running
>win3.1 but wish to upgrade to win 95.  
>WIll the system operate efficiently as is?
>IF not, will the sytem run efficiently with an 8 meg upgrade?
>thank you..

Win 95 is pitiful in 8 megs.  I have a 755CDV that I upgraded to 16 megs
immediately after converting to Win 95.  It worked quit well at 16mb.  From
desktop experience, I found that 20mb or more made a big difference from
16mb so I took out the 8mb card and put in a 16mb card for a total of 24mb.
 It seems to work well with this combination.  I found it makes a big
difference when using Netscape as well.  It seems that Netscape was more
reliable and quicker with more memory in the machine.

If you do want to try with 16mb, I have the old 8mb card from my machine.
It is an IBM Platinum Card by Viking with a lifetime warranty and is the
more expensive parity memory.  I would take fifty US dollars for it.


Robert Stevens